Fitting Your Project Together: A Guide to Brake Line Fittings
When there's a sea of parts to sift through, it's important to get a lay of the land. In this post the 4LTL team provides a succinct summary of the types of fittings available on the aftermarket.

All about Hydraulic Brake Systems
We talk a lot about hydraulic brake systems at 4LTL, but what are they, really? What are they made of, and how do they work? In this blog post, we explain the parts of a hydraulic brake system and how the system works.

Tight Quarters: Routing Brake Lines
Brake lines do a lot: they withstand thousands of pounds of pressure, run the length of a car, and weave around the engine compartment to boot. In this post we talk about what it looks like to rout brake lines and what you can do to make it easier on...

Brake Line Breakdown
With so many options out there for Brake Line Replacement, how do we drill down and pick one that will work? In this post, we go in-depth and break down the characteristics of our favorite brake line materials- PVF-Coated, Stainless Steel, and Copper-nickel- and illustrate how they are used around...

The History of Automotive Brake Systems
Brake systems have had an interesting history, and there are plenty of innovations still being developed! In this article, we go through the full history of automotive brakes in a digestible, bite-sized post.

When is it Time for a Brake Line Repair?
What does it look like to check your car's brake lines? When do brake lines need replaced? In this post we provide all the knowledge to know when it's time to take care of your vehicle's brake lines.